SAUVAYRE Romy (2012), Believe in the incredible [French], Paris, Presses Universitaires de France. 
ISBN : 978-213059444-4
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Studies by Kuhn (1962) in the philosophy of science, as well as those carried out by Festinger (1957) in social psychology, have investigated many underlying issues in terms of the mechanisms responsible for strong adherence to a particular idea, belief, new knowledge, and the abandonment of previously held beliefs and knowledge. These studies hypothesized that demonstrations by researchers within the scientific community, or the factual denial of a belief held by a UFO Cult does not automatically generate a review of knowledge or beliefs. Various studies carried out in the fields of psychology, sociology, philosophy, artificial intelligence and economics have clarified the mechanisms that underpin social representation or belief change, processes used in belief abandonment and models that explain the progressive changes occurring between adherence and abandonment, which remain unknown or not well understood. 
This book sought to produce a modeling of belief change (adherence, maintenance and abandonment). Based on biographical accounts of beliefs of former members, who previously held “incredible” beliefs from all denominations (Christianity, Buddhism, Philosophy, Spiritualism, Personal Development, Healing and UFO Cults), this study evaluates the role of perception, sensory experience, confidence, norms, values, representations and emotions observed in the incremental process that underlie belief change (beliefs being considered as knowledge by the subjects). Three aspects were investigated: the process of adhesion to “incredible” beliefs, generally considered as false; the maintenance of these beliefs or “resistance to belief change” when factual evidence opposed to the belief is presented to the believer; and the abandonment of belief leading the believer to give way to doubt and challenge his/her deepest beliefs. 
This modeling therefore helps us to understand and to capture the rational aspect of an ordinary man’s actions and reasoning processes, which may be perceived as irrational if he adheres to, or refuses to abandon, beliefs that are considered “incredible”. 

Key words:
Belief, disbelief, belief change, revision, emotion, value, norm, rationality, confidence, cults, new religious movement.